[openstack-dev] [designate] Status of the project
Mike Spreitzer
mspreitz at us.ibm.com
Fri Feb 10 17:47:43 UTC 2017
Joshua Harlow <harlowja at fastmail.com> wrote on 02/10/2017 12:21:08 PM:
> Knowing where this is at and the issues. It makes me wonder if it is
> worthwhile to start thinking about how we can start to look at 'outside
> the openstack' projects for DNS. I believe there is a few that are
> similar enough to designate (though I don't know well enough) for
> example things like SkyDNS (or others which I believe there are a few).
> Perhaps we need to start thinking outside the openstack 'box' in regards
> to NIH syndrome and accept the fact that we as a community may not be
> able to recreate the world successfully in all cases (the same could be
> said about things like k8s and others).
> If we got out of the mindset of openstack as a thing must have tightly
> integrated components (over all else) and started thinking about how we
> can be much more loosely coupled (and even say integrating non-python,
> non-openstack projects) would that be beneficial (I think it would)?
I think you might be on to something. The Kubernetes community seems to
be thinking about an external DNS service too. I see
https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-dns was just created, but
do not know anything more about it.
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