[openstack-dev] [monasca] Ideas to work on
Hochmuth, Roland M
roland.hochmuth at hpe.com
Fri Feb 10 03:12:53 UTC 2017
Hi Anqi, You had expressed a strong interest in working on Monasca the other day in our Weekly Monasca Team Meeting. I owed you a response. The team had also asked me to also keep them in the loop. Here is a list that I feel is interesting, that is not trivial or extremely complex (just right hopefully), and doesn't overlap with some of the areas that other developers are working on, and consequently difficult to coordinate in a limited time.
1. RBAC: Currently, the Python API doesn't fully support Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) in the API. We've had discussions on this topic, but oddly, there isn't a blueprint written for this. But, this would be very useful to implement in the APIs similar to what other OpenStack projects support.
2. Data retention: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/monasca/+spec/per-project-data-retention. We haven't completely reviewed and or approved this blueprint, but it would be very useful to add support for per-project, or per-metric data retention. This would involve understanding how data retention works in InfluxDB. We would also want to have some design discussion prior to proceeding, as it is probably more complex than described in the bp.
3. Publish logs and/or metrics to topics selectively. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/monasca/+spec/publish-logs-to-topic-selectively. In the context of metrics, this would be useful to identifying specific metrics as metering as opposed to monitoring metrics and allow them to be published to different Kafka topics as a result. The way this would be used is that the downstream Monasca Transform Engine would only get metrics sent to it that will be transformed and therefore doesn't need to filter them, which would help improve performance dramatically. For logging, it would help identity operational logs from audit logs. It could also be used to identity high priority metrics such that they could be published to a high-priority metrics topic in Kafka. There are several more contexts in which this is useful.
4. Delete metrics: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/monasca/+spec/delete-metrics. Basically adding the ability to delete metrics using the Monasca API. Typically, time series databases are not very good at deletes. We haven't tried to do this with InfluxDB, and while this might seem an easy task, it is a lot more involved than issuing the obvious and straight-forward DELETE command.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you want to discuss further or want more ideas.
Regards --Roland
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