[openstack-dev] [All] IRC Mishaps

Hayes, Graham graham.hayes at hpe.com
Thu Feb 9 15:47:31 UTC 2017

On 09/02/2017 13:41, Hayes, Graham wrote:
> On 08/02/2017 20:39, Kendall Nelson wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> So I am sure we've all seen it: people writing terminal commands into
>> our project channels, misusing '/' commands, etc. But have any of you
>> actually done it?
>> If any of you cores, ptls or other upstanding members of our wonderful
>> community have had one of these embarrassing experiences please reply! I
>> am writing an article for the SuperUser trying to make us all seem a
>> little more human to people new to the community and new to using IRC.
>> It can be scary asking questions to such a large group of smart people
>> and its even more off putting when we make mistakes in front of them.
>> So please share your stories!
>> -Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
> not realizing there is a space at the beginning of a line, and
> typing a '/' command.
> I am constantly typing ' /win 10' into channels, or more embarrassingly
> ' /whois <nick of someone I am talking to>'
> - Graham
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I have also had some ... unfortunate ... typos over the years. Changing
one letter of some words can really give a message a completely
different meaning :)

Also, I have '/j #openstack-meeting' and then '#startmeeting' while on a
completely different IRC network, and wondered why I was talking to

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