[openstack-dev] [all][tc][swift][designate] New language addition process has been approved

Hayes, Graham graham.hayes at hpe.com
Wed Feb 8 14:10:12 UTC 2017

On 08/02/2017 14:56, Flavio Percoco wrote:
> On 19/01/17 11:59 +0100, Flavio Percoco wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> The Technical Committe recently approved a new reference document which
>> describes how new programming languages can be proposed for inclusion as
>> supported languages by OpenStack. The new reference document can be found
>> here[0].
>> I'd like to take this chance not only to share this new process - which in my
>> opinion is a good step forward for the entire community - but to invite other
>> teams to take a stab at it and move forward the inclusion of Go, which is the
>> last language that was discussed for inclusion in the community.
>> I hope folks will find this process useful and that it'll help innovating
>> OpenStack. I'm sure the process is not perfect and that we'll have to refine it
>> as we go so, let's get going.
>> Thanks everyone,
>> Flavio
>> [0] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/new-language-requirements.html
> Hey folks,
> Sorry for pressing so much on this but, would it be safe to assume that no one
> from the swift and/or designate team are intereted in proposing golang through
> this process?
> That's what I'm assuming at least given the silence on this thread.
> Thanks,
> Flavio

Well, from the designate side, most of the TC was pretty clear
about thinking we did not have a technical reason to use golang.

As I said throughout the drafting of the regulation, it is a lot of
work required up front, and combined with the recent shift of (read
'lack of' ) resources assigned to Designate, we do not have enough
people to cut through the red tape.

I personally still think it is the right direction for us, but it will
not be an ongoing priority for me to get implemented - I will leave the
project priority to the new PTL, but I suspect Tim will be of the same

- Graham

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