Hi Masahito Thank you for listing tasks for Blazar 0.2.0 release. I have a question about namespace migration. Do we completely remove climate namespace from blazar repo? If so, I want to add one more task "Remove climate namespace from blazar-nova repo" because namespace has been already migrated to blazar but climate namespace still existed in blazar-nova repo. Best regards, Hiroaki On 29/02/08 11:59, Masahito MUROI wrote: > Hello Blazar folks, > > I listed all tasks needed to do by 0.2.0 release. Let's pick up bugs and > don't forget to add you as an Assignee. > > https://launchpad.net/blazar/+milestone/0.2.0 > > best regards, > Masahito > > > > __________________________________________________________________________ > OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) > Unsubscribe: OpenStack-dev-request at lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe > http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev > > >