[openstack-dev] [release][oslo] recreating the stable/ocata branch for mox3

ChangBo Guo glongwave at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 02:41:04 UTC 2017

Thanks Doug and amoralej,  we should avoid this :(.

One more thought about mox3: Is it used outside of OpenStack? If yes,
Maybe we can retire mox3 if all projects move mox to mock.

2017-02-07 23:00 GMT+08:00 Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>:

> The stable/ocata branch for mox3 was created from 0.19.0 and then 0.20.0
> was released from master. Because that repository sees a very low rate
> of changes, and because the current stable/ocata branch only contained
> the patch to update the .gitreview file, we decided to recreate the
> branch to accurately reflect the intent of having 0.20.0 be part of the
> ocata series of releases.
> https://review.openstack.org/430283
> Thanks go to amoralej for pointing out the issue today.
> Doug
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ChangBo Guo(gcb)
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