I'd like to request a feature freeze exception to add Congress to Triple-o. This work is mostly already done. The puppet-tripleo work is already merged and the puppet-congress work is complete. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/congress-service-integration We hit a packaging snag when adding dependencies to Fedora. The fedora review is currently waiting for a Fedora Packaging Exception. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1407000 RDO plans to package this dependency before we get a response from the FPE so that work is not stalled. This work is on deck to be completed. Once the Dep is packaged the openstack-congress packaging can be completed: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/4487 Once the packaging is completed the final patches can land to complete the work. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/330050/ and a tripleo-puppet-elements change to add the package. I believe that this work could be completed within a week as long as RDO is able to complete the Dep packaging work. All the pieces are mostly sitting waiting to be completed. Thanks, Radez