Hello, As Queens Milestone 2 approaches its end, here is the second iteration of updates on Queens Tempest Plugin Split community goal [1]. **Not Started** Congress ec2-api freezer mistral monasca senlin tacker Telemetry Trove Vitrage ** In Progress ** Cinder Heat Ironic magnum manila Neutron murano networking-l2gw octavia ** Completed ** Barbican CloudKitty Designate Horizon Keystone Kuryr Sahara Solum Tripleo Watcher Winstackers Zaqar Zun Here is the list of open reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:goal-split-tempest-plugins+status:open Here is the detailed report on Tempest Plugin split goal status for different projects: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/queens/split-tempest-plugins.html#project-teams If you are willing to help on the **not started**, that would be great help. Links: [1]. https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/queens/split-tempest-plugins.html Thanks, Chandan Kumar