[openstack-dev] [kolla] [tripleo] [openstack-ansible] [deployment] Collaboration at PTG
David Moreau Simard
dms at redhat.com
Sat Aug 26 03:45:24 UTC 2017
Good idea for the etherpad.
I've added an item about the oslo/etcd integration we talked about while back.
It seemed like a common interest to align how configuration is
achieved between deployment projects.
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | OpenStack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:00 PM, Emilien Macchi <emilien at redhat.com> wrote:
> I created an etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/deployment-queens
> Please bring topics (and names) - we'll try to be prepared before the
> PTG with an agenda and some scheduling.
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Michał Jastrzębski <inc007 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We (Kolla) planned some time for that discussion:) It would be awesome
>> if we could have them on Mon-Tue, because Wed-Fri we'll have
>> kolla-specific design room. That being said if needed we can use it
>> for our cross-community discussions.
>> Biggest one for me is new direction of tripleo (k8s+ansible) and how
>> that corresponds to kolla-k8s (k8s+ansible).
>> On 25 August 2017 at 15:53, Jean-Philippe Evrard
>> <jean-philippe at evrard.me> wrote:
>>> Hello Emilien,
>>> The Discussion room is a good idea. I like it.
>>> Most of the OpenStack-Ansible crew will be available the whole week, so we
>>> can even think of doing a conversation outside the Wed-Friday timeframe.
>>> If you/we all have enough time, maybe we could organise two sessions,
>>> probably with different formats?
>>> For example, a brainstorming session about how we collaborated on previous
>>> cycles and how we could collaborate in the future, and another session with
>>> the real action points based on the first conversation?
>>> On top of that, I have extra points I'd like to discuss with you:
>>> - Architecture of LB + web server + uwsgi
>>> - Possibility of sharing infrastructure (mariadb/rabbitmq/...)
>>> experience/code between projects.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Best regards,
>>> JP
>>> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:16 PM, Emilien Macchi <emilien at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Cool, sounds like some people are interested (I haven't hear from
>>>> Kolla yet but I'm sure they are as well).
>>>> I was wondering if we should take benefit of Discussion Rooms, useful
>>>> for inter-projects topics:
>>>> https://ethercalc.openstack.org/Queens-PTG-Discussion-Rooms
>>>> There is still some place, let me know what you think and we can block
>>>> a slot (maybe 2h?)
>>>> I want to hear from Kolla and OpenStack Ansible at least and know if
>>>> you have schedule constraints otherwise I'll go ahead and block a
>>>> slot.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 4:37 AM, Flavio Percoco <flavio at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> > On 17/08/17 10:24 -0500, Major Hayden wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On 08/17/2017 09:30 AM, Emilien Macchi wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> If you're working on Kolla / OpenStack-Ansible - please let us know if
>>>> >>> you have specific constraints on the schedule, so we can maybe block a
>>>> >>> timeslot in the agenda from now.
>>>> >>> We'll have a "Packaging" room which is reserved for all topics related
>>>> >>> to OpenStack deployments, so we can use this one.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I don't have any constraints (that I'm aware of), but I'd be interested
>>>> >> in
>>>> >> participating! Performance in the gate jobs has been one of my tasks
>>>> >> lately
>>>> >> and I'd like to see if we can collaborate there to make improvements
>>>> >> without
>>>> >> ruining infra's day. ;)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> As long as you can put up with a few Dad jokes, I'll be there.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ++ I'm interested in this topic too!
>>>> >
>>>> > Flavio
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > @flaper87
>>>> > Flavio Percoco
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> --
>>>> Emilien Macchi
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> --
> Emilien Macchi
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