[openstack-dev] [tripleo] How to report tripleo-quickstart results to DLRN API
David Moreau Simard
dms at redhat.com
Tue Aug 22 17:52:30 UTC 2017
> Idea #3: Use "post-build scripts" in the promotion jobs. We can pattern match for failed/passed jobs and report the result accordingly. The problem with this is that it's environment dependent. While we can certainly do this with post-build scripts in Jenkins Job Builder on CentOS CI, it's not clear how to solve this in Zuul queues. Probably we just need to make the shell scripts of the jobs more involved (not fail on quickstart.sh's nonzero exit). Besides these complications, it also means that we have to keep the reporting method in sync across multiple environments.
So what you are talking about is basically the "postbuildscript" [1]
publisher from Jenkins.
It's how we are currently reporting both successes and failures with
WeIRDO out of ci.centos.org jobs right now [2][3].
Interestingly enough, it so happens that I've asked #openstack-infra
about "postbuildscript" recently, but for other purposes [4].
You're correct in saying that there's no such thing in the current
Zuul implementation, however, it will be easy to accomplish in Zuul v3
which is planned to be deployed right before the PTG in less than a
As far as how to do the implementation in TripleO Quickstart, I don't
feel adding "DLRN API reporting" to tripleo-quickstart is a good fit.
It has nothing to do with TripleO or TripleO Quickstart, it's just
tooling that helps RDO keep track of what is working and what isn't.
The logic to report to DLRN API should be deferred to a job or a
separate playbook without "deep" integration with tripleo-quickstart
That said, Zuul v3 is still a bit away so if we want to get started
now, let's compromise on not reporting failures for the time being and
revisit this after the PTG.
[1]: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/publishers.html#publishers.postbuildscript
[2]: https://github.com/rdo-infra/ci-config/blob/bcd70953fd69a2d375f81c301b6eca8b796becda/jenkins/jobs/weirdo-defaults.yml#L92
[3]: https://github.com/rdo-infra/weirdo/blob/master/playbooks/dlrn-api-report.yml
[4]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2017-08-08.log.html#t2017-08-08T18:58:54
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | OpenStack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Attila Darazs <adarazs at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to come up with a good design for $subject, and there are several
> different methods with pros and cons. I'd like to get your opinion about
> them.
> For a bit of context, DLRN API[1] is a new extension of DLRN, our package
> and repo building solution for RDO. It's designed to be a central point of
> information about jobs that ran on certain hashes in various stages of
> testing and handle "promotions", which are really just symlinks to certain
> hashes.
> We want to report back job results on multiple levels (upstream, RDO CI
> phase1 & phase2) and then use the information to promote new hashes at every
> stage.
> If we would only be interested in reporting successful runs, the solution is
> fairly simple: add a reporting step to the quickstart-extras.yml[2] playbook
> at the end if a "report" variable is set.
> However it would be probably useful in the long term to also report back
> failures (for statistics) and that's where things get complicated.
> It would be great if we could report the failed status within the same
> quickstart.sh run instead of having a second run, because this way we don't
> have to touch the shell scripts in multiple places (upstream, phase1,
> phase2), just get the reporting done with config file changes.
> This is not simple, because the Ansible play can exit at any failed task. We
> would need to wrap each task in rescue blocks[3] to avoid skipping the
> failure.
> Idea #1: Create a "run successful" marker file at the reporting step, and
> report failure in case the file is not found (also making sure the file does
> not exist at the start of the run). This would still require multiple run of
> ansible-playbook, but we could integrate the functionality into
> quickstart.sh by creating a --report option, making it available at every
> environment at the same time.
> Idea #2: Don't fail on *any* step, just register variables and check for
> success. An example where we already do this is the overcloud-deploy role.
> We don't fail on errors[4], but write out a file with the result and fail
> later[5]. We would need to do this at almost all shell parts to be
> reasonably certain we won't miss any failure. This requires a lot of
> alterations to playbooks and it seems a bit forced on Ansible without the
> usage of the rescue block, which we can't put in every single task.
> Idea #3: Use "post-build scripts" in the promotion jobs. We can pattern
> match for failed/passed jobs and report the result accordingly. The problem
> with this is that it's environment dependent. While we can certainly do this
> with post-build scripts in Jenkins Job Builder on CentOS CI, it's not clear
> how to solve this in Zuul queues. Probably we just need to make the shell
> scripts of the jobs more involved (not fail on quickstart.sh's nonzero
> exit). Besides these complications, it also means that we have to keep the
> reporting method in sync across multiple environments.
> Neither of these solutions are ideal, let me know if you have any better
> design idea. I personally think #1 might be the easiest and cleanest to
> implement, especially that I'm planning to introduce multiple
> ansible-playbook runs in quickstart.sh during the redesign of the devmode.
> Best regards,
> Attila
> [1] https://github.com/javierpena/dlrnapi_client
> [2]
> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/playbooks/quickstart-extras.yml
> [3]
> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks_blocks.html#error-handling
> [4]
> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/roles/overcloud-deploy/tasks/deploy-overcloud.yml#L6
> [5]
> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/playbooks/quickstart-extras-overcloud.yml#L32-L44
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