[openstack-dev] [Monasca] GridDB repository support
Akira Yoshiyama
akirayoshiyama at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 15:32:37 UTC 2017
Hi Witek,
Thank you for your interest.
2017-08-22 21:25 GMT+09:00 witold.bedyk at est.fujitsu.com
<witold.bedyk at est.fujitsu.com>:
> Hi Akira,
> thank you for your contribution. We indeed urgently need a scalable open source TSDB.
I see. Kawabata-san from NEC was my co-worker and he told me about the
problem. So, I've been interested in open source TSDBs and found
GridDB at an open source event in Tokyo last fall. But there was no
python binding at the time, so I had waited for it.
> Do you use this database in your Monasca deployment? Have you made write/read performance measurements when used with Monasca? I couldn't find much information about this database apart from the references you have provided.
I have a small Monasca deployment on 2 VMs for development. Actually,
I've started building Monasca and GridDB environment on Aug. 11th and
then made the drivers in 5 days. So, I have no my own benchmark result
> In the recent weeks James Gu and his team have re-evaluated using Cassandra as Monasca backend [1]. They have measured write throughput of 64 kmetrics/s when storing 200 mil unique metric definitions and 50 bil measurements on the two nodes cluster. It's way below what InfluxDB can on the single node, but that's a number we can live with, I guess. Can GridDB perform better?
Some papers[1] (in english) are available and one of them is about
performance[2]. See page 24-25 of it, and you will find below:
Throughput with Large Data Set (12M Records Per Node)
Load / 1 node:
GridDB 13,082 (ops/sec)
Cassandra 4,325 (ops/sec)
Latency with Large Data Set (12M Records Per Node) -- 1 Node
Load / Insert
GridDB 9.7 (ms)
Cassandra 7.0 (ms)
> What do the others think? Should we experiment and add support for different backend drivers or rather choose one or two and concentrate on these?
> Best greetings
> Witek
There are some other TSDBs like Gnocchi and Prometheus. I'll consider
making other drivers if GridDB isn't so good for Monasca.
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cassandra_monasca
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Akira Yoshiyama [mailto:akirayoshiyama at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Samstag, 19. August 2017 15:31
>> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List <openstack-
>> dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Monasca] GridDB repository support
>> Hi all,
>> Toshiba GridDB[1][2] is a highly scalable distributed NoSQL database for IoT
>> and Big Data. It has very good scalability and performance[3].
>> It also has Community Edition licensed under GNU AGPL v3 and the source
>> code is available at Github[4][5][6].
>> It looks suitable for Monasca repository, so I'm writing GridDB repository
>> drivers for monasca-api/-persister[7][8]. They work well but need unit tests.
>> Anyone interested?
>> Thank you,
>> Akira Yoshiyama
>> [1]http://solutions.toshiba.com/overview.html
>> [2]https://griddb.net/en/docs/documents/1-1_what-is-griddb.php
>> [3]https://griddb.net/ja/blog/griddb-and-cassandra-ycsb-benchmarks/
>> [4]https://github.com/griddb/griddb_nosql
>> [5]https://github.com/griddb/c_client
>> [6]https://github.com/griddb/griddb_client
>> [7]https://review.openstack.org/#/c/495504/
>> [8]https://review.openstack.org/#/c/495505/
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吉山あきら <akirayoshiyama at gmail.com>
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