[openstack-dev] [Vitrage] Template raise host cpu alarm on the instance and change state
bader.lamti at orange.com
bader.lamti at orange.com
Fri Aug 18 09:08:51 UTC 2017
Hi All,
I want to make this use case
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D31812.5F011220]
So I have used this Nagios config "/etc/vitrage/nagios_conf.yaml"
- nagios_host: myhost
type: nova.host
name: hjtg2132-HP-ProDesk-600-G2-MT
And I have used this template "host_high_cpu_load_to_instance_cpu_suboptimal.yaml"
name: host_high_cpu_load_to_instance_cpu_suboptimal
description: when there is high cpu on the host, show implications on the instances
- entity:
category: ALARM
type: host_high_cpu_load
template_id: host_alarm # some string
- entity:
category: ALARM
type: instance_cpu_performance_problem
template_id: instance_alarm
- entity:
category: RESOURCE
type: nova.host
template_id: host
- entity:
category: RESOURCE
type: nova.instance
template_id: instance
- relationship:
source: host_alarm # source and target from entities section
target: host
relationship_type: on
template_id : alarm_on_host
- relationship:
source: instance_alarm
target: instance
relationship_type: on
template_id : alarm_on_instance
- relationship:
source: host
target: instance
relationship_type: contains
template_id : host_contains_instance
- scenario:
condition: alarm_on_host
- action:
action_type: set_state
target: host
state: ERROR
- scenario:
condition: alarm_on_host and host_contains_instance
- action:
action_type: raise_alarm
target: instance
alarm_name: Instance cpu Consumption is suboptimal
severity: critical
- action:
action_type: set_state
target: instance
state: ERROR
- scenario:
condition: alarm_on_host and host_contains_instance and alarm_on_instance
- action:
action_type: add_causal_relationship
source: host_alarm
target: instance_alarm
I can see the alarm from Nagios on the host.
But I don't see the state changes and I don't see the alarms rises on instances so I don't see the root cause schema.
Please find attached pictures showing that.
I would appreciate if you can help me to solve this.
Thanking you + best regards,
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