(If you prefer HTML: https://anticdent.org/tc-report-33.html ) Some are still in peak release cycle time and others have left for their summer holidays, so once again: a bit of a slow week. No major spectacles or controversies, so the best I can do is give some summaries of the conversations in the `#openstack-tc` IRC channel. # Continuous Deployment Continued The Wednesday morning (at least in UTC) [office hour](http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2017-08-09.log.html#t2017-08-09T01:00:01) continued the discussion about whether or not Continuous Deployment is an integral part of the OpenStack development experience. There was some disagreement on who had made what kind of commitment and since when, but there's agreement in principle that: > We need a "Declare plainly the current state of CD in OpenStack" > [3RAY](http://p.anticdent.org/3RAY) # Maintenance Status The Thursday afternoon office hour started [a few hours early](http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2017-08-10.log.html#t2017-08-10T12:43:59) with discussion about those projects that do not have PTLs. This evolved to some discussion about the implications of single PTLs volunteering leading to projects not needing elections. I suggested that perhaps the job was too hard, or too difficult to manage without sustained commitment from an employer and that such commitment was harder to come by these days. Anyone care to dissuade me of this opinion? # Board Meeting Agendas As we rolled around to [actual office hour time](http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2017-08-10.log.html#t2017-08-10T15:00:31) the discussion returned to building agendas for the upcoming meetings with the board. This was mentioned [last week](https://anticdent.org/tc-report-32.html). My idea for a generic retrospective was considered too open-ended and too much of an invitation for unproductive complaining, so we discussed some ideas on how to narrow things down. > less "it's hard" and more "it's hard because X" [2yZa](http://p.anticdent.org/2yZa) This migrated to the common topic of "how do we get corporate engagement to be strong enough and focused on the right things" which naturally led to (because it was rc1 week) "ow, we could do with some more CI nodes". And finally, on today's [office hour](http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2017-08-15.log.html#t2017-08-15T09:04:39) we came back to the agenda question and after discussion came to two relatively concrete topics: * What else should go on the top-5 list? Is what's there already correct? * What is the status of the strategic goals? Are there areas that we are missing or need revision? These were added to the [meeting agenda](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/10Sep2017BoardMeeting#Leadership_Meeting_Agenda). -- Chris Dent (⊙_⊙') https://anticdent.org/ freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent