To whom it may concern, I would like to request a string freeze exception for 2 patches that are on the merge queue for Pike. 1. VMAX driver - align VMAX QOS settings with front end (CI Passed) line 800 (removal of exception message) Although it's primary aim is to align QoS with front end setting it indirectly fixes a lazy loading error we were seeing around QoS which occasionally Broke CI on previous patches. 2. VMAX driver - seamless upgrade from SMI-S to REST (CI Pending) line 1400 ,1455 (message changes) This is vital for as reuse of volumes from Ocata to Pike. In Ocata we used SMIS to interface with the VMAX, in Pike we are using REST. A few changes needed to be made to make this transition as seamless as possible. Thank you, Helen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>