[openstack-dev] [api-wg][all] API-WG Liaison Update request

Edward Leafe ed at leafe.com
Tue Apr 25 15:19:16 UTC 2017

An important step in the process of creating API guidelines is getting feedback from the projects that will be affected by those guidelines before we approve them. To that end, we have encouraged projects to appoint a liaison, and when a guideline is approved by the WG, these liaisons are added to the review, and thus receive an email from Gerrit, which ideally should result in the liaisons reviewing the proposed change to either approve or express whatever concern they may have. Only when we have buy-in from the liaisons do we go ahead and merge the guideline.

That has worked reasonably well, but lately there have been some concerns. One such concern is that many of the liaisons may no longer be in the same position they were when they signed up. If that is the situation for you, please let me know so we can update our list and start looking for someone else to represent your project. We also don’t have a way to directly contact liaisons except through Gerrit, and that is not ideal. So we’d like to update the liaison list [0] with the email address for each liaison, so that we can reach out to you when needed. I’ve included a list of the current liaisons	below my sig.

So if you are a liaison, please reply to me (off-list, to reduce spam) with your project, whether you are able to continue in the liaison role, and your email address. I will update the official list, and then start the process of finding replacements for those who have moved on.

[0] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/liaisons.html <http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/liaisons.html>

-- Ed Leafe

Barbican: Douglas Mendizábal
Ceilometer: Chris Dent
Cinder: Scott DAngelo
Congress: Masahito Muroi
Designate: <none>
Glance: Stuart McLaren
Glance: Nikhil Komawar
Heat: Ryan Brown
Horizon: Cindy Lu
Ironic: Vladyslav Drok
Keystone: David Stanek
MagnetoDB: Ilya Sviridov
Magnum: Eli Qiao
Magnum: Hua Wang
Manila: Alex Meade
Manila: Goutham Pacha Ravi
Mistral: Renat Akhmerov
Murano: Nikolay Starodubtsev
Neutron: Henry Gessau
Nova: Matthew Gilliard
Nova: Alex Xu
Rally: <none>
Sahara: Michael McCune
Senlin: Qiming Teng
Swift: John Dickinson
Trove: Peter Stachowski
Trove: Amrith Kumar
Tripleo: <none>
Zaqar: Fei Long Wang

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