Hi! I'm trying to run the openstack-ansible-tests func jobs in the ARA check gate but it's not working. I'm probably missing something obvious and someone can hopefully point it out ! This review [1] landed today so I figured I would give it another shot but it didn't fix the problem I had -- here's a test review in the ARA gate [2]. So, let's compare. As I understand, openstack-ansible-tests uses this template [3] to run the job. I've re-implemented this as an ARA job [4] with the subtle difference that we zuul-clone osa-tests first.. it's otherwise the same. However, the ARA check jobs get a permission denied when running tox (?), example here [5]. For comparison, you can see the same block from an osa-tests review here [6]. Anyone know what could be the problem ? Thanks ! [1]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453298/ [2]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436098/ [3]: https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/45d26f75d150febc121b91ebd5aa0435ecba7315/jenkins/jobs/ansible-role-jobs.yaml#L66-L102 [4]: https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/ara.yaml#L21-L72 [5]: http://logs.openstack.org/98/436098/7/check/gate-ara-integration-openstack-ansible-func-centos-7-nv/6445cfb/console.html#_2017-04-24_21_20_58_603926 [6]: http://logs.openstack.org/98/453298/21/check/gate-openstack-ansible-tests-ansible-func-centos-7/235e59a/console.html#_2017-04-24_18_29_31_510532 David Moreau Simard Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]