Near the end of the review process for new guidelines produced by the API-WG a guideline is "frozen" and presented for review by the wider OpenStack community. At that time the people who have self-identified as liaisons to the working group from the projects that produce APIs are added as reviewers to the guideline. That adding is managed by a JSON file that associates projects with designated liaisons: It's been a while since that file has been updated, so there are plenty of projects that are not represented at all and some projects which are represented by people who have moved on. This means that in some cases guidelines are being merged without being fully vetted by the entire community. If project members could provide up to date information for that file, that would help ensure that guidelines are most effectively verified before being published. Either submit a change to the file or ask cdent, elmiko or edleafe in #openstack-sdks to do it for you. Thanks! For more information see: * * -- Chris Dent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent