[openstack-dev] [tripleo][release] release-model of tripleo-common

Steve Baker sbaker at redhat.com
Wed Apr 19 01:05:37 UTC 2017

Other than being consumed as a library, tripleo-common is the home for a
number of tripleo related files, image building templates, heat plugins,
mistral workbooks.

I have a python-tripleoclient[1] change which is failing unit tests because
it depends on changes in tripleo-common which have landed in the current
cycle. Because tripleo-common is release-model cycle-trailing,
tripleo-common exists but the unit test job pulls in the last
full release (6.0.0).

I'd like to know the best way of dealing with this, options are:
a) make the python import optional, change the unit test to not require the
newer tripleo-common
b) allow the unit test job to pull in pre-release versions like
c) change tripleo-common release-model to cycle-with-intermediary and
immediately release a 7.0.0

I think going with c) would mean doing a major release at the start of each
development cycle instead of at the end, then doing releases throughout the
cycle following our standard semver.

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/448300/
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