Hello owls and stackers. As you know, tripleo-quickstart can run on only rhel/centos. For those who want to try it on an arbitrary OS from a docker container, I created that RFE [0] and an implementation [1]. Those are just minor changes to the quickstart repo only but as well are enablers for the use case, which is a nice to have. So please PTAL. Note, it works for me with an additional (non related to this topic though) ansible plays/inventory/vars wrapper [2] setup. You can safely ignore the latter, it's quite a mess. Unless you want not only review but try it as well! If, so please follow README and reach me directly for questions. [0] https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1676373 [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:rfe1676373 [2] https://github.com/bogdando/oooq-warp/blob/master/oooq-warp.yaml -- Best regards, Bogdan Dobrelya, Irc #bogdando