[openstack-dev] [ironic] [third-party-ci] pkvmci ironic job breakage details

Michael Turek mjturek at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Apr 14 15:51:30 UTC 2017

Hey ironic-ers,

So our third party CI job for ironic has been, and remains, broken. I 
was able to do some investigation today and here's a summary of what 
we're seeing. I'm hoping someone might know the root of the problem.

For reference, please see this paste and the logs of the job that I was 
working in:

I've redacted the credentials in the ironic node-show for obvious 
reasons but rest assured they are properly set. These commands are run 
'/opt/stack/new/ironic/devstack/lib/ironic:wait_for_nova_resources' is 

Basically, the ironic hypervisor for the node doesn't appear. As well, 
none of the node's properties make it to the hypervisor stats.

Some more strangeness is that the 'count' value from the 'openstack 
hypervisor stats show'. Though no hypervisors appear, the count is still 
1. Since the run was broken, I decided to delete node-0 (about 3-5 
minutes before the run failed) and see if it updated the count. It did.

Does anyone have any clue what might be happening here? Any advice would 
be appreciated!


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