[openstack-dev] [all][elections][TC] TC Candidacy
Jay Pipes
jaypipes at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 19:39:23 UTC 2016
John, appreciate your candor and candidacy. Some questions inline for you...
On 09/26/2016 06:57 AM, John Davidge wrote:
> Last year, the TC moved OpenStack away from the Integrated Release, and
> into The Big Tent. This removed the separation between those projects
> considered integral to OpenStack, and those which enhance it.
Who decides what is integral to OpenStack and what merely "enhances" it,
though? The TC? The DefCore group? The Board of Directors? One might say
all three groups have a say in defining what "is OpenStack", no? And
therefore all three groups would decide what is "integral" to OpenStack.
> Since then, the number of official projects has gone from ~12 to 60.
> While this was a fantastic move for community inclusivity, it has
> also made life harder for operators and customers
We do indeed have a long way to go in improving the operator's
experience for many OpenStack projects.
However, remember that many of the OpenStack projects came into
existence because operators were asking for a certain use case to be
fulfilled. I'm uncertain how putting some projects into a
not-really-OpenStack-but-related bucket will help operators much. Is the
pain for operators that there are too many projects in OpenStack, or is
the pain that those projects are not universally installable or usable
in the same fashion?
> and has diminished the focus on OpenStack’s core
> purpose.
What is OpenStack's core purpose? :) The OpenStack mission is
intentionally encompassing of a wide variety of users and use cases. The
Big Tent, by the way, did not affect this fact. The OpenStack mission
pre-exists the Big Tent. All the Big Tent did was say that projects that
wanted to be official OpenStack projects needed to follow the 4 Opens,
submit to TC governance, and further the mission of OpenStack.
It sounds like you would like to limit the scope of the OpenStack
mission, which is not the same as getting rid of the Big Tent. If that's
the case, hey, totally cool with me :) But let's be specific about what
it is you are suggesting.
> Managing every team under one roof has led to issues for both the core and
> the newer projects. The experience so far has taught us that there isn’t a
> single set of rules that can be helpfully applied to both.
Hmm, I disagree about that. I think that experience actually *has* shown
us that there is a single set of rules that can/should be applied to all
projects that wish to be called an OpenStack project.
> I believe that now is the time to take The Big Tent’s ideas and
> iterate upon them to create a new model that can promote inclusivity,
> while still preserving a clear focus for the core of OpenStack. The
> main points of this new model are:
> * Define OpenStack as its core components
Which components would these be? Folks can (and will) argue with you
that a particular service is critical and should be considered core. But
differing opinions here will lead to a decision-making inertia that will
be difficult to overcome. You've been warned. :)
> * Introduce a new home for complementary projects - The OpenStack Family
> * Reinstate Stackforge as the primary incubator for new projects
Having Stackforge as a separate Github organization and set of
repositories was a maintenance nightmare due to the awkwardness of
renaming projects when they "moved into OpenStack".
Also, reminder: The Big Tent != the dissolution of Stackforge.
> OpenStack will once again be a focused set of closely aligned projects
> working together to provide an operating system for the datacenter.
As I've said before, this was never really reality, even since the
beginning of OpenStack. :)
> The
> OpenStack Family will provide a home for projects that work to improve the
> experience of an OpenStack cloud (think Ceilometer, Heat, etc), while
> protecting them from some of the more prescriptive rules that go with being
> a core OpenStack component. Stackforge will be the main focus of
> early-stage innovation, with a clearly defined path towards graduation into
> The OpenStack Family.
Who gets to decide this graduation? The TC? The DefCore committee? The
Board of Directors? What criteria would you use in the graduation
requirements? Would they be technical criteria or governance/process
What technical benefits would graduating give to a project? If no
technical benefits -- the benefits would be entirely marketing,
political or reputational -- then should the *Technical* Committee be
the group that decides whether a project graduates?
These are all questions that you will inevitably be asked to consider
when you go (back down) the route you suggest. So, I think it's worth
responding here in your TC candidacy mail.
All the best,
> I believe that this model[4] can go a long way
> towards solving many of the pain points that we are seeing with OpenStack
> today.
> This transformation is one that I think is very important for the future
> of OpenStack. We have a fantastic project surrounded by a talented
> community, of which I am very proud to call myself a member. Trust me with
> your vote, and I’ll work hard to ensure its continued success.
> Thank you for your consideration,
> John
> [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmpRhcwyJIo - Curvature
> [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjuF-3fB0IQ - IPv6 Prefix Delegation
> [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ag1NiCVBDo - Neutron Purge
> [4] https://johndavidge.wordpress.com/mr-openstack-tear-down-this-tent/
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