[openstack-dev] Devstack, Tempest, and TLS
Dmitry Tantsur
dtantsur at redhat.com
Mon Sep 26 08:08:53 UTC 2016
On 09/24/2016 02:04 AM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> Earlier this month there was a thread on replacing stud in devstack for
> the tls-proxy service [0]. Over the last week or so a bunch of work has
> happened around this so I figured I would send an update.
> Also noticed that Ironic's devstack plugin isn't configured to deal with
> a devstack that runs the other services with TLS. This is mostly
> addressed by a small change to set the correct glance protocol and swift
> url [4]. However tests for this continue to fail if TLS is enabled
> because the IPA image does not trust the devstack created CA which has
> signed the cert in front of glance.
There is a patch to implement such trust: https://review.openstack.org/358457
However, we lack a similar change for ironic-inspector still.
> Would be great if people could review these. Assuming reviews happen we
> should be able to run the core set of tempest jobs with TLS enabled real
> soon now. This will help us avoid regressions like the one that hit OSC
> in which it could no longer speak to a neutron fronted with a proxy
> terminating TLS.
> Also, I am learning that many of our services require redundant and
> confusing configuration. Ironic for example needs to have
> glance_protocol set even though it appears to get the actual glance
> endpoint from the keystone catalog. You also have to tell it where to
> find swift except that if it is already using the catalog why can't it
> find swift there? Many service configs have an auth_url and auth_uri
> under [keystone_authtoken]. The values for them are different, but I am
> not sure why we need to have an auth_uri and auth_uri and why they
> should be different urls (yes both are urls). Cinder requires you set
> both osapi_volume_base_URL and public_endpoint to get proper https
> happening.
Note: I think everything in [keystone_authtoken] sections comes from
keystonemiddleware, not from services.
> Should I be filing bugs for these things? are they known issues? is
> anyone interested in simplifying our configs?
+1, please do. Thanks for looking into it.
> [0]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-September/102843.html
> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374328/
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/373219
> [3] https://review.openstack.org/375724
> [4] https://review.openstack.org/375649
> Thanks,
> Clark
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