[openstack-dev] [puppet] Core nominations
Emilien Macchi
emilien at redhat.com
Fri Sep 16 20:44:14 UTC 2016
Cool, sounds like great feedback here!
so I created the new gerrit groups and assign new members into it.
Congrats folks!
On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Ivan Berezovskiy
<iberezovskiy at mirantis.com> wrote:
> +1, great job, guys! Keep rocking!
> 2016-09-15 18:03 GMT+03:00 Denis Egorenko <degorenko at mirantis.com>:
>> +1, good job
>> 2016-09-15 17:44 GMT+03:00 Matt Fischer <matt at mattfischer.com>:
>>> +1 to all. Thanks for your work guys!
>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Emilien Macchi <emilien at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> While our group keeps moving, it's time to propose again new people
>>>> part of core team.
>>>> Dmitry Tantsur / puppet-ironic
>>>> Dmitry is the guardian of puppet-ironic. He's driving most of the
>>>> recent features in this module and he now fully deserves being core on
>>>> it.
>>>> Pradeep Kilambi / puppet-aodh,ceilometer,gnocchi,panko
>>>> Prad is our Telemetry guru and he never stops to bring attention on
>>>> these modules! Keep going Prad, we appreciate your help here.
>>>> Iury Gregory / all modules
>>>> Iury is our padawan. Still learning, but learning fast, he has been a
>>>> continuous contributor over the last months. He's always here on IRC
>>>> and during meetings to help.
>>>> He always volunteer to help and not for the most fun tasks. (He drove
>>>> the authtoken work during Newton). I would like to reward his work and
>>>> show that we trust him to be a good core reviewer.
>>>> Iury, keep going in your efforts!
>>>> If your name is not here yet, please keep doing consistent work, help
>>>> in bug triage, maintain stable CI, doing good reviews, improve our
>>>> documentation, etc.
>>>> As usual, Puppet OpenStack core team is free to -1 / +1 the proposal.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> --
>>>> Emilien Macchi
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>> Best Regards,
>> Egorenko Denis,
>> Senior Deployment Engineer
>> Mirantis
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> --
> Thanks, Ivan Berezovskiy
> MOS Puppet Team Lead
> at Mirantis
> slack: iberezovskiy
> skype: bouhforever
> phone: + 7-960-343-42-46
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Emilien Macchi
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