[openstack-dev] [Kuryr] IPVLAN data path proposal
Vikas Choudhary
choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 05:10:47 UTC 2016
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Vikas Choudhary <
choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Liping Mao (limao) <limao at cisco.com>
> wrote:
>> > Though, not the best person to comment on macvlan vs ipvlan, one
>> limitation of macvlan is that on physical interfaces, maximum possible
>> number of random mac generations may not cope-up with large number of
>> containers on same vm.
>> Thanks, yes, it is a limitation, Vikas.
>> This happened if you use vlan as tenant network. If tenant network use
>> overlay mode, maybe it will be a little bit better for the mac problem.
>> The reason why I mention macvlan can be one of choice is because ipvlan
>> need a very new kernel , it maybe a little bit hard to use in prod
>> env(AFAIK).
> You have a valid point regarding ipvlan support in newer kernel versions
> but IIUC overlay mode might not help if nic has a limit on max number of
> macs that it supports in hardware.
for example:
>> Regards,
>> Liping Mao
>> From: Vikas Choudhary <choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Date: 2016年9月14日 星期三 上午11:50
>> To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Kuryr] IPVLAN data path proposal
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 7:10 AM, Liping Mao (limao) <limao at cisco.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ivan and Gary,
>>> maybe we can use macvlan as ipvlan need very new kernel.
>>> allow-address-pairs can aslo allow different mac in vm.
>>> Do we consider macvlan here? Thanks.
>> Though, not the best person to comment on macvlan vs ipvlan, one
>> limitation of macvlan is that on physical interfaces, maximum possible
>> number of random mac generations may not cope-up with large number of
>> containers on same vm.
>>> Regards,
>>> Liping Mao
>>> From: Liping Mao <limao at cisco.com>
>>> Reply-To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>>> Date: 2016年9月13日 星期二 下午9:09
>>> To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Kuryr] IPVLAN data path proposal
>>> Hi Gary,
>>> I mean maybe that can be one choice in my mind.
>>> Security Group is for each neutron port,in this case,all the docker on
>>> one vm will share one neutron port(if I understand correct),then they will
>>> share the security group on that port,it is not per container per security
>>> group,not sure how to use security group in this case?
>>> Regards,
>>> Liping Mao
>>> 在 2016年9月13日,20:31,Loughnane, Gary <gary.loughnane at intel.com> 写道:
>>> Hi Liping,
>>> Thank you for the feedback!
>>> Do you mean to have disabled security groups as an optional
>>> configuration for Kuryr?
>>> Do you have any opinion on the consequences/acceptability of disabling
>>> SG?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gary
>>> *From:* Liping Mao (limao) [mailto:limao at cisco.com <limao at cisco.com>]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 13, 2016 12:56 PM
>>> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <
>>> openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Kuryr] IPVLAN data path proposal
>>> Hi Ivan,
>>> It sounds cool!
>>> for security group and allowed address pair,
>>> Maybe we can disable port-security,because all the docker in one vm
>>> will share one security group on the vm port. I'm not sure how to use sg
>>> for each docker,maybe just disable port-security can be one of the
>>> choice. then do not need allowed address pairs in this case.
>>> Regards,
>>> Lipimg Mao
>>> 在 2016年9月12日,19:31,Coughlan, Ivan <ivan.coughlan at intel.com> 写道:
>>> *Overview*
>>> Kuryr proposes to address the issues of double encapsulation and
>>> exposure of containers as neutron entities when containers are running
>>> within VMs.
>>> As an alternative to the vlan-aware-vms and use of ovs within the VM, we
>>> propose to:
>>> - Use allowed-address-pairs configuration for the VM neutron
>>> port
>>> - Use IPVLAN for wiring the Containers within VM
>>> In this way:
>>> - Achieve efficient data path to container within VM
>>> - Better leverage OpenStack EPA(Enhanced Platform Awareness)
>>> features to accelerate the data path (more details below)
>>> - Mitigate the risk of vlan-aware-vms not making neutron in
>>> time
>>> - Provide a solution that works on existing and previous
>>> openstack releases
>>> This work should be done in a way permitting the user to optionally
>>> select this feature.
>>> *Required Changes*
>>> The four main changes we have identified in the current kuryr codebase
>>> are as follows:
>>> · Introduce an option of enabling “IPVLAN in VM” use case. This
>>> can be achieved by using a config file option or possibly passing a command
>>> line argument. The IPVLAN master interface must also be identified.
>>> · If using “IPVLAN in VM” use case, Kuryr should no longer
>>> create a new port in Neutron or the associated VEth pairs. Instead, Kuryr
>>> will create a new IPVLAN slave interface on top of the VM’s master
>>> interface and pass this slave interface to the Container netns.
>>> · If using “IPVLAN in VM” use case, the VM’s port ID needs to
>>> be identified so we can associate the additional IPVLAN addresses with the
>>> port. This can be achieved by querying Neutron’s show-port function and
>>> passing the VMs IP address.
>>> · If using “IPVLAN in VM” use case, Kuryr should associate the
>>> additional IPVLAN addresses with the VMs port. This can be achieved using
>>> Neutron’s allowed-address-pairs flag in the port-update function. We
>>> intend to make use of Kuryr’s existing IPAM functionality to request these
>>> IPs from Neutron.
>>> *Asks*
>>> We wish to discuss the pros and cons.
>>> For example, containers exposure as proper neutron entities and the
>>> utility of neutron’s allowed-address-pairs is not yet well understood.
>>> We also wish to understand if this approach is acceptable for kuryr?
>>> *EPA*
>>> The Enhanced Platform Awareness initiative is a continuous program to
>>> enable fine-tuning of the platform for virtualized network functions.
>>> This is done by exposing the processor and platform capabilities through
>>> the management and orchestration layers.
>>> When a virtual network function is instantiated by an Enhanced Platform
>>> Awareness enabled orchestrator, the application requirements can be more
>>> efficiently matched with the platform capabilities.
>>> http://itpeernetwork.intel.com/openstack-kilo-release-is-sha
>>> ping-up-to-be-a-milestone-for-enhanced-platform-awareness/
>>> https://networkbuilders.intel.com/docs/OpenStack_EPA.pdf
>>> https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12229/181563/epa-features
>>> -in-openstack-kilo
>>> Regards,
>>> Ivan….
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