[openstack-dev] [stable] [all] Regarding string freeze and back ports involving translatable strings
Nikhil Komawar
nik.komawar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 19:26:23 UTC 2016
I have had some questions offline so, I think documenting the theory,
interpretations and POC will be helpful in our release schedule pages to
get this practice consistent across projects. If not required (or if the
process is subjective) we do not necessarily have to enforce strict
process, but we do have to make sure everyone reading the schedule are
on the same page and not wondering twice or looking for ML emails.
On 9/9/16 3:12 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> On 9/9/2016 1:58 PM, Ben Swartzlander wrote:
>> On 09/08/2016 08:37 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
>>> On 9/8/2016 7:05 PM, Ravi, Goutham wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was looking for some clarity around backports of bug fixes that
>>>> qualify the stable branch policy [1].
>>>> <http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html#appropriate-fixes>
>>>> What is the policy if the fix introduces a new translatable string or
>>>> modifies an existing one?
>>>> The guidelines in Release management [2]
>>>> <http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html>
>>>> regarding string freeze do not specifically call this scenario out. I
>>>> see that while translatable strings are mostly avoided, some projects
>>>> have been merging changes to stable branches with introduction of new
>>>> translatable strings.
>>>> The question is reminiscent of one posed in the ML a few releases ago
>>>> [3];
>>>> <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-September/073942.html>
>>>> but applies to stable branches. Should we allow changes to translatable
>>>> strings for bug fixes that matter, or is it better to always deny them
>>>> for the sake of translation accuracy?
>>> The former IMO, a high severity bug fix trumps a translation. Note that
>>> some projects are translated on the stable branches too, I know this is
>>> the case for Nova.
>>> If it's a user-facing change, like an error message in the API, then it
>>> might require a bit more careful consideration, but if it's just a log
>>> message marked for translation that an end user of the API wouldn't see
>>> anyway, then I think it's fine to backport it.
>> So this stance makes sense to me, but I can't reconcile it with the
>> "hard string freeze" rules. Is the theory that after we release, the
>> string freeze ends for the stable branch, and that the hard string
>> freeze only exists for that 3 week period between RC1 and final release,
>> or is the theory that hard string freeze is always subject to exceptions
>> for "critical" bug fixes?
>> -Ben Swartzlander
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html#appropriate-fixes
>>>> [2]
>>>> http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html
>>>> [3]
>>>> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-September/073942.html
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Goutham
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> I treat it as the former.
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