[openstack-dev] venting -- OpenStack wiki reCAPTCHA
itzshamail at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 19:01:10 UTC 2016
Hi Tom,
I'll help with that. :)
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 2:49 PM, Tom Fifield <tom at openstack.org> wrote:
>> On 廿十六年九月九日 朝 11:45, Hayes, Graham wrote:
>>> On 09/09/2016 08:44, Tom Fifield wrote:
>>>> On 廿十六年九月八日 暮 08:36, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
>>>>> On 2016-09-09 01:10:15 +0000 (+0000), Bhandaru, Malini K wrote:
>>>>> Is it just me who likes to hit the save button often?
>>>>> It gets tedious proving often that you are not a robot. Wiki
>>>>> reCAPTCHA likes proof even if saves are spaced less than a minute
>>>>> apart!
>>>>> Wiki Gods, hear my plea!
>>>> I sympathize. That captcha addition is one of several tools we're
>>>> leveraging currently to combat the ongoing spam/scammer/vandalism
>>>> problems on wiki.openstack.org, as an alternative to shutting it
>>>> down completely. Unfortunately even now I still spend a chunk of
>>>> every day blocking new accounts created by abusers and cleaning up
>>>> all their modifications, but am hoping that with other improvements
>>>> we have pending the onslaught will lessen and we can revisit some of
>>>> the more intrusive mechanisms on which we've been forced to rely
>>>> (for example, I think we should be able to configure it so that
>>>> users whose previous edits have been confirmed by a wiki admin are
>>>> added to a group that bypasses the captcha, and then get a team of
>>>> wiki groomers in the habit of adding known good accounts to that
>>>> group).
>>> Indeed - fungi has been doing amazing work :(
>>> I have been adding "known good" accounts to such a group - there's about
>>> 64 so far:
>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&group=autopatrol
>> How would someone get in said list?
> $100 donation to the buy-fungi-beer fund.
> ... and/or email me a link to your wiki user page (Click in the top right, click on your username)
> I'm also going through the recent edits and adding people to get the "bulk" of us in there, when time permits. Anyone else that wants to help is welcome.
>>> Is it possible to disable CAPTCHA for users in group "autopatrol"?
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