Markus discussed the issue with both Timofey and myself, and we agreed that based on my involvement with the bugs team it made more sense to have me to take it over. Timofey has agreed to run the 0800 UTC EU meeting and I'll run the 1800 UTC US/APAC meeting. As Kashya pointed out, having more timezone coverage is definitely better, so thanks to Timofey for stepping up! I also want to acknowledge Sylvain's point regarding RC1 and regressions. Please make a special effort to watch the bugs queue. Even if you haven't officially signed up for Bug Skimming Duty, please help out the team by skimming a bug when you have a little time to spare. In particular, keep an eye out for any issues that may have been introduced in the latest release or for any security related issues. If you have questions, feel free to ask in #openstack-nova. * Nova new bugs: * Bug Skimming: -- Augustina Ragwitz Señora Software Engineer --- Ask me about contributing to OpenStack Nova! --- email: aragwitz+nova at irc: auggy