[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Getting rid of ISO
Guo, Ruijing
ruijing.guo at intel.com
Thu Sep 8 01:31:59 UTC 2016
Congratuations. any plan to have fuel docker image?
From: Oleg Gelbukh [mailto:ogelbukh at mirantis.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 4:28 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Getting rid of ISO
Congratulations, Vladimir, that's a huge step in a right direction for Fuel.
Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 6:47 AM, Vladimir Kozhukalov <vkozhukalov at mirantis.com<mailto:vkozhukalov at mirantis.com>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I'm glad to announce that we have working BVT jobs on Fuel CI that do not use ISO but instead deploy Fuel admin node from packages onto vanilla Centos 7.
Please take a look at [1]. There are jobs '10.0.repos.*' [2], [3], [4].
We continue to work on re-implementing review jobs like this one [5] for example.
[1] https://ci.fuel-infra.org/view/BVT/
[2] https://ci.fuel-infra.org/view/BVT/job/10.0.repos.snapshot/
[3] https://ci.fuel-infra.org/view/BVT/job/10.0.repos.main.ubuntu.bvt_2/
[4] https://ci.fuel-infra.org/view/BVT/job/10.0.repos.main.ubuntu.smoke_neutron/
[5] https://ci.fuel-infra.org/job/master.fuel-astute.pkgs.ubuntu.review_astute_patched/
Vladimir Kozhukalov
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 1:13 PM, Roman Prykhodchenko <me at romcheg.me<mailto:me at romcheg.me>> wrote:
This is so awesome! Thanks!
On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 4:30 PM Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com<mailto:jaypipes at gmail.com>> wrote:
On 08/16/2016 04:58 AM, Vladimir Kozhukalov wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> We finally have working custom deployment job that deploys Fuel admin
> node using online RPM repositories (not ISO) on vanilla Centos 7.0.
Bravo! :)
> Currently all Fuel system and deployment tests use ISO and we are
> planning to re-implement all these jobs (including BVT, SWARM, and Fuel
> CI jobs) to exclude ISO from the pipeline. That will allow us to get rid
> of ISO as our deliverable and instead rely totally on package
> repositories. Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, etc. are
> already delivered via ISO/qcow2/etc. images and we'd better stop
> reinventing a wheel and support our own ISO build code. That will allow
> us to make Fuel admin node deployment more flexible.
> I will infrom about our next steps here in the thread.
Thanks, Vova, this is an excellent step forward for ease-of-use with Fuel.
Nice work,
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