[openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 2 September

Lana Brindley openstack at lanabrindley.com
Fri Sep 2 03:32:09 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

We have five weeks left until the Newton release goes out, so this week has been all about getting started on testing the Install Guide. We now have beta releases for all our distros, so thanks to our lovely package maintainers for getting back to me so quickly! We can still use more testers, though, all you need to do is sign up on the wiki page and start testing: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDocTesting

This week Andreas, Brian, Olga, and I will be meeting with our new release managers Olena and Alex, to make sure they're up to speed. Don't forget that you can contact any of us (or just send mail to the docs mailing list) if you have any questions about the Newton docs release. 

== Progress towards Newton ==

33 days to go!

Bugs closed so far: 407

Release managers: Olena Logvinova and Alexandra Settle

Install Guide testing is being tracked here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDocTesting

== The Road to Barcelona ==

* If there's something you want to make sure we discuss at Summit, please put your ideas here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Ocata-DocsSessions When we get our room allocations, I'll organise it into a schedule.
* Talk acceptances have gone out, congratulations to everyone who got something accepted! 
* If you require a visa invitation letter to travel to Spain, then you need to fill out the form here: https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/travel/#visa

== Docs Tools ==

There is a lot of cleanup happening on the docs site right now, so you might see some old and unloved content disappear. If you notice anything strange, please let Andreas or the docs mailing list know so we can get it straightened out.

== Speciality Team Reports ==

'''HA Guide: Andrew Beekhof'''
No report this week.

'''Install Tutorials: Lana Brindley'''
Core Guide testing is underway! Check out progress and sign up here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MitakaDocTesting Next meeting: 13 September August 0600UTC.

'''Networking Guide: Edgar Magana'''
No report this week.

'''Security Guide: Nathaniel Dillon'''
No report this week.

'''User Guides: Joseph Robinson'''
No report this week.

'''Ops Guide: Shilla Saebi, Darren Chan'''
No meeting last week in light of the ops mid cycle and OpenStack East conference
Updating  use cases chapter in Arch Guide
Looking for more enterprise troubleshooting docs to push upstream for the ops guide

'''API Guide: Anne Gentle'''
New landing page for a collection of all API Reference docs and Guides in one place: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/361480/
Improvements to the sidebar link collection: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362436/

'''Config/CLI Ref: Tomoyuki Kato'''
Updated some CLI reference. Closed some bugs for Config Reference.

'''Training labs: Pranav Salunke, Roger Luethi'''
No report this week.

'''Training Guides: Matjaz Pancur'''
No report this week.

'''Hypervisor Tuning Guide: Blair Bethwaite
No report this week.

'''UX/UI Guidelines: Michael Tullis, Rodrigo Caballero'''
No report this week.

== Site Stats ==

For the month of August, we had a 6% increase in traffic over July.

== Doc team meeting ==

Next meetings:

The US meeting was held this week, you can read the minutes here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MeetingLogs#2016-08-31

Next meetings:
APAC: Wednesday 7 September, 00:30 UTC
US: Wednesday 14 September, 19:00 UTC

Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting


Keep on doc'ing!



Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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