[openstack-dev] [heat] Rolling Upgrades
Rabi Mishra
ramishra at redhat.com
Fri Oct 21 04:30:07 UTC 2016
Thanks Crag on starting the thread. Few comments inline.
On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 5:32 AM, Crag Wolfe <cwolfe at redhat.com> wrote:
> At Summit, folks will be discussing the rolling upgrade issue across a
> couple of sessions. I personally won't be able to attend, but thought
> I would share my thoughts on the subject.
> To handle rolling upgrades, there are two general cases to consider:
> database model changes and RPC method signature changes.
> For DB Model changes (this has already been well discussed on the
> mailing list, see the footnotes), let's assume for the moment we don't
> want to use triggers. If we are moving data from one column/table to
> another, the pattern looks like:
> legacy release: write to old location
> release+1: write to old and new location, read from old
> release+2: write to old and new location, read from new,
> provide migration utility
> release+3: write to new location, read from new
Not sure I understand this. Is it always about changing the table name or
column name of a table?
What about adding a new column to an existing table? I assume the db api
implementation have to ignore the additional column values when writing to
old location.
> Works great! The main issue is if the duplicated old and new data
> happens to be large. For a heat-specific example (one that is close to
> my heart), consider moving resource/event properties data into a
> separate table.
> We could speed up the process by adding config variables that specify
> where to read from, but that is putting a burden on the operator,
> creating a risk that data is lost if the config variables are not
> updated in the correct order after each full rolling restart, etc.
> Which brings us back to triggers. AFAIK, only sqlalchemy+mariadb is
> being used in production, so we really only have one backend we would
> have to write triggers for. If the data duplication is too unpalatable
> for a given migration (using the +1, +2, +3 pattern above), we may
> have to wade into the less simple world of triggers.
I think we can only enable the trigger during the upgrade process and then
disable it.
> For RPC changes, we don't have a great solution right now (looking
> specifically at heat/engine/service.py). If we add a field, an older
> running heat-engine will break if it receives a request from a newer
> running heat-engine. For a relevant example, consider adding the
> "root_id" as an argument (
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/354621/13/heat/engine/service.py ).
> Looking for the simplest solution -- if we introduce a mandatory
> "future_args" arg (a dict) now to all rpc methods (perhaps provide a
> decorator to do so), then we could follow this pattern post-Ocata:
> legacy release: accepts the future_args param (but does nothing with it).
> release+1: accept the new parameter with a default of None,
> pass the value of the new parameter in future_args.
> release+2: accept the new parameter, pass the value of the new parameter
> in its proper placeholder, no longer in future_args.
This is something similar to the one is being used by neutron for the
i.e consistently capturing those new/unknown arguments with keyword
and ignoring them on agent side; and by not enforcing newer RPC entry point
versions on server side. However, this makes the rpc api less strict and
not ideal.
The best way would be do some kind of rpc pinning on the new engines when
they send messages(new engines can receive old messages). I was also
if it's possible/good idea to restrict engines not to communicate with
other engines
only during the upgrade process.
But, we don't have a way of deleting args. That's not super
> awful... old args never die, they just eventually get ignored. As for
> adding new api's, the pattern would be to add them in release+1, but
> not call them until release+2. [If we really have a case where we need
> to add and use a new api in release+1, the solution may be to have two
> rpc api messaging targets in release+1, one for the previous
> major.minor release and another for the major+1.0 release that has the
> new api. Then, we of course we could remove outdated args in
> major+1.0.]
I'm not sure we ever delete args, as we make the rpc servers backward
> Finally, a note about Oslo versioned objects: they don't really help
> us. They work great for nova where there is just nova-conductor
> reading and writing to the DB, but we have multiple heat-engines doing
> that that need to be restarted in a rolling manner. See the references
> below for greater detail.
> --Crag
> References
> ----------
> [openstack-dev] [Heat] Versioned objects upgrade patterns
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-
> May/thread.html#95245
> [openstack-dev] [keystone][nova][neutron][all] Rolling upgrades:
> database triggers and oslo.versionedobjects
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-
> September/102698.html
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-
> October/105764.html
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Rabi Misra
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