[openstack-dev] [tripleo] PTG space request
Eoghan Glynn
eglynn at redhat.com
Wed Oct 12 23:16:01 UTC 2016
> Emilien Macchi wrote:
> > I would like to request for some space dedicated to TripleO project
> > for the first OpenStack PTG.
> >
> > https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
> >
> > The event will happen in February 2017 during the next PTG in Atlanta.
> > Any feedback is welcome,
> Just a quick note: as you can imagine we have finite space at the event,
> and the OpenStack Foundation wants to give priority to teams which have
> a diverse affiliation (or which are not tagged "single-vendor").
> Depending on which teams decide to take advantage of the event and which
> don't, we may or may not be able to offer space to single-vendor
> projects -- and TripleO is currently tagged single-vendor.
> The rationale is, the more organizations are involved in a given project
> team, the more value there is to offer common meeting space to that team
> for them to sync on priorities and get stuff done.
One of the professed primary purposes of splitting off the PTG was to enable
cross-project collaboration, so as to avoid horizontally-oriented contributors
needing to attend multiple midcycle meetups.
Denying PTG space to a project that clearly requires an immense amount of
cross-project collaboration seems to run counter to those stated goals.
The need for cross-project collaboration seems to me orthogonal to the
diversity of corporate affiliation within any individual project, given
the potential diversity within the other projects they may need to
collaborate with.
So the criteria applied should concentrate less on individual project
diversity, and much more on the cross-cutting nature of that project's
> If more than 90% of
> contributions / reviews / core reviewers come from a single
> organization, there is less coordination needs and less value in having
> all those people from a single org to travel to a distant place to have
> a team meeting. And as far as recruitment of new team members go (to
> increase that diversity), the OpenStack Summit will be a better venue to
> do that.
> I hope we'll be able to accommodate you, though. And in all cases
> TripleO people are more than welcome to join the event to coordinate
> with other teams. It's just not 100% sure we'll be able to give you a
> dedicated room for multiple days. We should know better in a week or so,
> once we get a good idea of who plans to meet at the event and who doesn't.
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