[openstack-dev] [release][ansible][fuel][kolla][puppet][tripleo] proposed deadlines for cycle-trailing projects
Doug Hellmann
doug at doughellmann.com
Wed Oct 12 15:10:03 UTC 2016
Excerpts from Alexey Shtokolov's message of 2016-10-11 00:18:24 +0300:
> Doug,
> We've finally fixed the blockers and tagged RC1 for all our repos.
> We're going to have final RC this Friday (Oct14).
> Could I ask you to create stable/newton branches for repos:
> - openstack/fuel-agent
> - openstack/fuel-astute
> - openstack/fuel-library
> - openstack/fuel-main
> - openstack/fuel-menu
> - openstack/fuel-nailgun-agent
> - openstack/fuel-ostf
> - openstack/fuel-qa
> - openstack/fuel-ui
> - openstack/fuel-virtualbox
> - openstack/fuel-web
> based on the tag 10.0.0rc1
> Or should I do it myself?
The release team will create the branches for you. The scripts we have
to do that will submit some additional patches to update the .gitreview
file, any constraints URLs in tox.ini, and reno (where that applies).
Please just include the request to have the branches created in the
commit message with the RC tag request. If you have some repositories
you want branched and others you do not, please separate those into two
patches to openstack/releases (the tool for creating the branches looks
at all of the deliverable files modified in a patch).
> Best regards,
> Alexey Shtokolov
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 10:16 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>
> wrote:
> > This week we tagged the final releases for projects using the
> > cycle-with-milestones release model. Projects using the cycle-trailing
> > model have two more weeks before their final release tags are due. In
> > the time between now and then, we expect those projects to be preparing
> > and tagging release candidates.
> >
> > Just as with the milestone-based projects, we want to manage the number,
> > frequency, and timing of release candidates for cycle-trailing projects.
> > With that in mind, I would like to propose the following rough timeline
> > (my apologies for not preparing this sooner):
> >
> > 10 Oct -- All cycle-trailing projects tag at least their first RC.
> > 13 Oct -- Soft deadline for cycle-trailing projects to tag a final RC.
> > 18 Oct -- Hard deadline for cycle-trailing projects to tag a final RC.
> > 20 Oct -- Re-tag the final RCs as a final release.
> >
> > Between the first and later release candidates, any translations and
> > bug fixes should be merged.
> >
> > We want to leave a few days between the last release candidate and
> > the final release so that downstream consumers of the projects can
> > report issues against stable artifacts. Given the nature of most
> > of our trailing projects, and the lateness of starting to discuss
> > these deadlines, I don't think we need the same amount of time as
> > we usually set aside for the milestone-based projects. Based on
> > that assumption, I've proposed a 1 week soft goal and a 2 day hard
> > deadline.
> >
> > Let me know what you think,
> > Doug
> >
> > Newton schedule: https://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html
> >
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