[openstack-dev] [telemetry] Deprecating the Ceilometer API

Mehdi Abaakouk sileht at sileht.net
Tue Oct 4 21:51:08 UTC 2016

Le 2016-10-04 18:09, gordon chung a écrit :
> On 04/10/2016 11:58 AM, Tim Bell wrote:
>> What would be the impact for Heat users who are using the Ceilometer 
>> scaling in their templates?
>> Tim
> pretty big. :/

The use-case itself is still supported.

Using Ceilometer alarming or Aodh alarming is transparent from the Heat 
template point of view, Heat already does the API calls to endpoint 
found in Keystone.

For the storage, Heat users can move their storage to Gnocchi and 
updates their templates to create in Aodh, Gnocchi alarms instead of 
legacy Ceilometer alarms.

I agree with gordc, this is not a light change. But well the old 
Ceilometer storage don't work at scale, each alarm evaluation take a lot 
of times and CPU to retrieve statistics from the old storage, while it's 
very quick when Gnocchi is used.

Keeping the old storage system for the autoscaling use-case doesn't make 
sense to me.

Also we have a integration gating job that tests the 
Heat+Ceilometer+Aodh+Gnocchi since two cycles. While the previous/legacy 
Ceilometer scaling system never had functional/integration tests.

Mehdi Abaakouk
mail: sileht at sileht.net
irc: sileht

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