[openstack-dev] [telemetry] Deprecating the Ceilometer API

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Tue Oct 4 16:22:37 UTC 2016

On 04/10/2016 12:04 PM, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> I won't be at Barcelona, but would like to participate in the telemetry
> sessions, and particularly this one.
> Are there plans to enable remote participants (beyond just etherpad),
>  i.e. hangouts or skype, or something similar?

we can try this. i know some other projects have done this. hangouts 
probably easiest choice (assuming we don't have more than 10 people)?

i would definitely raise topics beforehand though. especially if we have 
morning sessions. i tried waking up for Europe time last year for 
virtual midcycle -- it sucks waking up at 3am.


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