[openstack-dev] [charms] Barbican + Identity Standalone - AWS

James Beedy jamesbeedy at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 02:36:40 UTC 2016

Another great day of Juju driven successes - deploying the barbican
standalone stack for identity mgmt and secrets mgmt. For those that don't
know, newton horizon brings support for identity only! This means you can
(as I am) use the openstack-dashboard for mgmt of just users, projects, and
domains, without a full Openstack! In previous Openstack releases, if you
hooked up horizon and you didn't have the core Openstack services
registered in your service catalogue, horizon would throw errors and would
be unusable. This is a huge win for those wanting object storage and
identity mgmt only, too!

AWS Barbican Stack -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23556001/

LXD Barbican Bundle (with script to help get started setting secrets in
barbican)-> https://github.com/jamesbeedy/juju-barbican-lxd-bundle

Also, here's a utility function from barbican-client layer I've been using
to make getting secrets from barbican containers easy for charms (WIP) ->

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