[openstack-dev] [all][ptls][tc][goals] acknowledging community goals for Ocata

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Wed Nov 23 15:24:36 UTC 2016

Excerpts from joehuang's message of 2016-11-23 02:37:12 +0000:
> Hello, Doug,
> Tricircle will submit a patch for the "remove-incubated-oslo-code.rst" goal. For Tricircle was just approved last week, need to dig into how to achieve this goal.
> Best Regards
> Chaoyi Huang (joehuang)

That sounds good. I know the timing may be a little tight for you. Let
me know if I can help with any of the analysis.


> ________________________________________
> From: Doug Hellmann [doug at doughellmann.com]
> Sent: 16 November 2016 23:35
> To: openstack-dev
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [all][ptls][tc][goals] acknowledging community goals for Ocata
> We still have quite a few teams who have not acknowledged the goal for
> Ocata. Remember, *all* teams are expected to respond, even if there is
> no work to be done. The most important feature of this new process is
> communication, which won't happen if teams don't participate.
> Please take a few minutes to review
> http://governance.openstack.org/goals/index.html and
> http://governance.openstack.org/goals/ocata/remove-incubated-oslo-code.html
> then submit a patch to add your planning artifacts to
> openstack/governance/goals/ocata/remove-incubated-oslo-code.rst before
> the deadline tomorrow.
> Doug

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