[openstack-dev] [qa] [Tempest] Abondoned old code reviews

Andrea Frittoli andrea.frittoli at gmail.com
Tue May 31 18:05:00 UTC 2016

On Mon, 30 May 2016, 6:25 p.m. Ken'ichi Ohmichi, <ken1ohmichi at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> There are many patches which are not updated in Tempest review queue
> even if having gotten negative feedback from reviewers or jenkins.
> Nova team is abandoning such patches like [1].
> I feel it would be nice to abandone such patches which are not updated
> since the end of 2015.
> Any thoughts?

I don't mind either way, if you prefer abandoning them it's ok with me.
I rely on gerrit dashboards and IRC communication to decide which patches I
should review; but I understand it would be nice to remove some clutter.


> [1]:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-May/096112.html
> Thanks
> Ken Ohmichi
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