[openstack-dev] [tc] Leadership training - ideas to include those not in the room?

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Thu May 26 19:10:43 UTC 2016

On 05/26/2016 02:40 PM, Colette Alexander wrote:
> Hello Stackers!
> I just wanted to check in as we approach the leadership training
> session that some of the TC and community will be attending in Ann
> Arbor, Michigan together [0].
> First thing: fostering as much inclusion as possible.
> Because of the limited amount of space, I was wondering if anyone had
> any ideas of how we might be able to share the experience with anyone
> not-in-the-room who is interested.
> As a first step, I've set up an etherpad for each of the two days of
> training [1] where attendees can jot notes if they'd like to share,
> and where anyone not in the room can ask questions, potentially, about
> what's happening.
> I also expect a few attendees, at least, might find the training
> interesting enough to blog about after the fact.
> We're barred from recording the training to share with the larger
> community (for now) because of contracts, etc., but I can share a
> bunch of work from the ZingTrain camp related to the training we'll
> have:
> 1. Free essays (esp. the Leadership and Visioning sections):
> http://zingtrain.com/free-samples-and-enews
> 2. Free webinars (which contain a lot of the elements of blocks of the
> training):
> http://info.zingtrain.com/webinars
> 3. Books related to the ZingTrain leadership philosophy:
> http://zingtrain.com/being-a-better-leader
> and
> http://zingtrain.com/managing-ourselves
> If anyone has any other suggestions or questions, please respond with
> input (and feel free to write me privately if you'd prefer).
> Second thing: logistics for attendees
> I'm going to have to do some housekeeping/organizational things with
> the 19 people attending, and that will just be via private email (and
> using the existing etherpad [0]). Keep an eye out for that soon!
> Thanks - and I'm really looking forward to sharing this experience
> with the whole community!
> Sincerely,
> -colette/gothicmindfood
> [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Leadershiptraining
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ZingTrain1 and
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ZingTrain2
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I personally think that for any environment to be able to foster
personal growth the environment has to first and foremost protect the
privacy of the individual and the sanctity of the space. Personally I
feel that we as a group have lost the ability we used to have to listen
to each other in large part because we are expected to be fodder for the
public at all times. There is a time and a place for privacy. I had
hoped this event would cultivate this very necessary environment.

As for what others read or what others write, that is up to them. But I
do hope they are encouraged to internalize, examine and process the
event rather than just consider themselves a voice for the non present
as that diminishes significantly from any possible benefit that could be
gained by those attending. I hope this isn't just another lost opportunity.

I don't know if we have considered the cost of having to be constantly
on display but there is a cost and I think we are all paying the price.

Thank you,

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