[openstack-dev] [kuryr][magnum]Installing kuryr for mutlinode openstack setup

Jaume Devesa devvesa at gmail.com
Wed May 25 09:20:38 UTC 2016

Hello Akshay,

responses inline:

On Wed, 25 May 2016 10:48, Akshay Kumar Sanghai wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 4 node openstack setup (1 controller, 1 network, 2 compute nodes).
> I want to install kuryr in liberty version. I cannot find a package in
> ubuntu repo.

There is not yet official version of Kuryr. You'll need to install using the
current master branch of the repo[1] (by cloning it, install dependencies and
`python setup.py install`

> -How do i install kuryr?
If the README.rst file of the repository is not enough for you in terms of
installation and configuration, please let us know what's not clear.

> - what are the components that need to be installed on the respective
> nodes?

You need to run the kuryr libnetwork's service in all the nodes that you use as
docker 'workers'

> - Do i need to install magnum for docker swarm?

Not familiar with Magnum.. Can not help you here.

> - Can i use docker swarm, kubernetes, mesos in openstack without using
> kuryr? What will be the disadvantages?

Only docker swarm right now. The kubernetes one will be addressed soon.

> Thanks
> Akshay

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There are a bunch of people much more experienced than me in Kuryr. I hope I
haven't said anything stupid.

Best regards,

[1]: http://github.com/openstack/kuryr

Jaume Devesa
Software Engineer at Midokura
PGP key: 35C2D6B2 @ keyserver.ubuntu.com
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