[openstack-dev] [fuel] release version numbers: let's use semvers

Roman Prykhodchenko me at romcheg.me
Tue May 24 15:51:55 UTC 2016

The only thing I would like to mention here is that scripts for making automatic releases on PyPi using OpenStack Infra won’t work, if the version is not formatted according to semver.

- romcheg

> 24 трав. 2016 р. о 14:34 Igor Kalnitsky <ikalnitsky at mirantis.com> написав(ла):
> Hey Zigo,
> In Python community there's a PEP-440 [1] that defines a versioning scheme. The thing you should know is, the PEP __is not__ compatible with semver, and it's totally fine to have two components version.
> So I don't think we should force version changes from two-components to three-components scheme, since it won't be compatible with semver anyway.
> Thanks,
> Igor
> [1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/
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