[openstack-dev] [Fuel] YAQL console for master node

Stanislaw Bogatkin sbogatkin at mirantis.com
Tue May 24 10:50:13 UTC 2016

Hi all,

as you maybe know, new conditions for Fuel tasks were recently (in master
and mitaka branches) introduced. Right after this I got several questions
like 'hey, how can I check my new condition?' Answer could be 'use standard
yaql console', but it hasn't have Fuel internal yaql functions which were a
foundation for Fuel task conditions. As a result, I have written small
utility to give an opportunity for check new conditions on the fly: [0]. It
still in development but usable for most tasks developer usually need when
build new yaql condition for task.

If you has any questions about using this tool or want to propose any
improvement - don't hesitate and contact me. Or just fork it and do what
you want - it licensed under GPLv3. I would be glad if it helps someone.

[0] https://github.com/sorrowless/fuyaql

with best regards,
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