[openstack-dev] How to single sign on with windows authentication with Keystone

Rodrigo Duarte rodrigodsousa at gmail.com
Thu May 19 11:40:51 UTC 2016


So you are trying to use keystone to authorize your users, but want to
avoid having to authenticate via keystone, right?

Check if the Federated Identity feature [1] covers your use case.


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 8:27 AM, OpenStack Mailing List Archive <
corpqa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Link: https://openstack.nimeyo.com/85057/?show=85057#q85057
> From: imocha <Imocha at gmail.com>
> I have to call the keystone APIs and want to use the windows
> authentication using Active Directory. Keystone provides integration with
> AD at the back end. To get the initial token to use OpenStack APIs, I need
> to pass user name and password in the keystone token creation api.
> Since I am already logged on to my windows domain, is there any way that I
> can get the token without passing the password in the api.
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Rodrigo Duarte Sousa
Senior Quality Engineer @ Red Hat
MSc in Computer Science
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