[openstack-dev] [OVN] [networking-ovn] [networking-sfc] SFC and OVN

John McDowall jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com
Wed May 18 20:55:14 UTC 2016


OK all three repos and now aligned with their masters. I have done some simple level system tests and I can steer traffic to a single VNF.  Note: some additional changes to networking-sfc to catch-up with their changes.


The next tasks I see are:

  1.  Decouple networking-sfc and networking-ovn. I am thinking that I will pass a nested port-chain dictionary holding port-pairs/port-pair-groups/flow-classifiers from networking-sfc to networking-ovn.
  2.  Align the interface between networking-ovn and ovs/ovn to match the nested dictionary in 1.
  3.  Modify the ovn-nb schema and ovn-northd.c to march the port-chain model.
  4.  Add ability to support chain of port-pairs
  5.  Think about flow-classifiers and how best to map them, today I just map the logical-port and ignore everything else.

Any other suggestions/feedback?



From: Ryan Moats <rmoats at us.ibm.com<mailto:rmoats at us.ibm.com>>
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 1:39 PM
To: John McDowall <jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com<mailto:jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com>>
Cc: "discuss at openvswitch.org<mailto:discuss at openvswitch.org>" <discuss at openvswitch.org<mailto:discuss at openvswitch.org>>, OpenStack Development Mailing List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [OVN] [networking-ovn] [networking-sfc] SFC and OVN

John McDowall <jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com<mailto:jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com>> wrote on 05/11/2016 12:37:40 PM:

> From: John McDowall <jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com<mailto:jmcdowall at paloaltonetworks.com>>
> To: Ryan Moats/Omaha/IBM at IBMUS
> Cc: "discuss at openvswitch.org<mailto:discuss at openvswitch.org>" <discuss at openvswitch.org<mailto:discuss at openvswitch.org>>, "OpenStack
> Development Mailing List" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
> Date: 05/11/2016 12:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [OVN] [networking-ovn] [networking-sfc] SFC and OVN
> Ryan,
> I have done networking-sfc the files that I see as changed/added are:
> devstack/settings   Modified Runtime setting to pick up OVN Driver
> networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/mitaka/
> expand/5a475fc853e6_ovs_data_model.py Hack to work around
> flow_classifier issue - need to resolve with SFC team.
> networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovn/__init__.py   Added for OVN Driver
> networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovn/driver.py     Added ovn driver file
> setup.cfg Inserted OVN driver entry
> I am currently working to clean up ovs/ovn.
> Regards
> John

I can confirm that the networking-sfc rebase goes in clean against
master for me :) - Looking forward to ovs ...

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