[openstack-dev] [tricircle] [Blueprint] Stateless design definition

Shinobu Kinjo shinobu.kj at gmail.com
Sat May 14 10:53:10 UTC 2016

Hi Team,

Sorry for this spam -;
Please ignore previous message.

I will file that as a doc bug.


On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Shinobu Kinjo <shinobu.kj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Team,
> In page1, we define "stateless design" as follows:
> Note: Stateless proposal is working on the “experiment” branch:
> https://github.com/openstack/tricircle/tree/experiment
> But, in section 7, we define this design as follows:
> A PoC was done to verify the feasibility of stateless architecture.
> Since the feedback of this PoC was very positive, sorce codes of the
> stateless design was moved to the master branch of the Tricircle git
> repository
> Since that, I am thinking of deleting former description (definition in page1).
> Make sense?
> Cheers,
> Shinobu
> --
> Email:
> shinobu at linux.com
> shinobu at redhat.com

shinobu at linux.com
shinobu at redhat.com

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