On 5/10/2016 4:51 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote: > For the libvirt imagebackend refactor that mdbooth is working on, I have > a POC devstack-gate change which runs with the lvm imagebackend in the > libvirt driver [1]. > > The test results are mostly happy except for anything related to migrate > (including resize to same host) [2][3]. > > That's because we're not testing with boot from volume [4]. > > This is a weird capability wrinkle that is not clear from the API, > you'll only find out that you can't migrate/resize on this host that's > using lvm when it fails. We can't even disable this in tempest really > since there isn't a flag for > 'only-supports-resize-for-volume-backed-instances'. So this job would > just have to disable any tests that have anything to do with > resize/migrate, which kind of sucks since that's what we wanted to test > going into the libvirt imagebackend refactor. > > Anyway, I'm dumping this before leaving for the day, maybe others have > some ideas here. > > [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/314744/ > [2] > http://logs.openstack.org/44/314744/3/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full/57a083b/logs/testr_results.html.gz > > [3] > http://logs.openstack.org/44/314744/3/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full/57a083b/logs/screen-n-cpu.txt.gz?level=TRACE#_2016-05-10_20_36_07_446 > > [4] > https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/00eccf56d01f4945ab46f246ab4fe751375b39be/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py#L6960 > > Just to give an update on this. The tempest change to add a volume-backed resize test is merged. It turns out we had a bug with our Rbd image backend in libvirt that the test exposed, but that's fixed now. I've got a change up to add an LVM image backend job to Nova's experimental queue [1]. It has a dependency on a devstack change to ignore clearing volumes during the job run and a dependency on a Nova change for our blacklist regex of tests that won't pass - the non-volume-backed resize tests. Once we get this job in we can run it on-demand on the libvirt storage refactor series, or any other change in the libvirt driver code that touches the LVM paths. [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316298/ -- Thanks, Matt Riedemann