[openstack-dev] Making changes to gerrit's presentation

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Tue May 10 12:51:55 UTC 2016

On 05/10/2016 06:32 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
> On Tue, 10 May 2016, Sean Dague wrote:
>> Gerrit's is a GWT app, which means the entire thing is Java which
>> compiles to HTML/JS, for anything deep, you have to dive down that
>> rabbit hole.
> Thanks for the response, this is pretty much what I feared. If I
> find some some cycles I may go exploring over in the gerrit
> community, but the pain threshold may not have been crossed yet.

Khai Do (zaro) is our friendly Gerrit dev in Infra. You might be able to
bribe him into helping out.

>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/313532/9 - you will fine the Line: ###
>> are actually clickable and provide links of the format -
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/313532/9/api-ref/source/servers.inc@553
>> That will put L553 on the new side at the center of the page, and stick
>> the cursor there (which is subtle).
> Yeah knew about that one, but it's not what I'm trying to do[1]. I want
> to link to an individual response on the front page of a given review
> (not on a specific file). On review with any sane number of patchsets
> this isn't too hard to talk about, but when there are many patchsets and
> many reviews it gets more difficult. "Nancy's response to patchset 42"
> is good enough when speaking to someone who is gerrit savvy, but less
> good when you're trying to gain some input from an outside-the-
> community expert.

I actually also frequently want to just post a link to a line in the
diff in IRC before it even has a review comment on it - because I'm a
bad person and review things in IRC a lot (I find the RTT more useful
when my review has a question associated with it to just poke people) So
I would love more link anchors I could give people.

> [1] It also doesn't work if you're a unified diff user.
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