[openstack-dev] [nova] Should be instance_dir in all nova compute node same ?

taget qiaoliyong at gmail.com
Tue May 3 01:59:12 UTC 2016

hi Timofei

I don't have any specific use case, this issue is found while I am doing 
live migration testing, what I did is:

1. create 2 compute node,
2. create a nfs service on one of compute node, let's say node-2 and 
expose /opt/stack/date/nova/instances
3. mount node-2:/opt/stack/date/nova/instances to node-1 's /mnt
4. specify /mnt as node-1's instance_dir so node-1 and node-2 have 
shared instance_dir(with different path)
5. live migration an instance and fail.


On 2016年04月29日 19:52, Timofei Durakov wrote:
> Hi,
> From the first sight there are no restrictions for instance_path 
> option. Could you please provide some details about the use case?
> I wonder would this functionality be really useful for 
> cloud-operators, or we just should add description to instance path 
> option, forcing to use the same path on compute nodes?
> Timofey
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 4:47 AM, Eli Qiao <liyong.qiao at intel.com 
> <mailto:liyong.qiao at intel.com>> wrote:
>     hi team,
>     Is there any require that all compute node's instance_dir should
>     be same?
>     I recently get an issue while doing live migration with
>     migrateToURI3 method of libvirt python interface, if
>     source and dest host are configured with difference instance_dir,
>     migration will fail since migrateToURI3
>     requires a new xml, but we don't modified the instance_dir of dest
>     xml.
>     I reported a bug on [1]_ , would like to get confirmation before
>     spend effort working on it.
>     [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1576245
>     Thanks.
>     -- 
>     Best Regards, Eli Qiao (乔立勇)
>     Intel OTC China
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Best Regards, Eli Qiao (乔立勇)

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