[openstack-dev] [keystone] Token providers and Fernet as the default

Matt Fischer matt at mattfischer.com
Mon May 2 23:39:02 UTC 2016

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Clint Byrum <clint at fewbar.com> wrote:

> Hello! I enjoyed very much listening in on the default token provider
> work session last week in Austin, so thanks everyone for participating
> in that. I did not speak up then, because I wasn't really sure of this
> idea that has been bouncing around in my head, but now I think it's the
> case and we should consider this.
> Right now, Keystones without fernet keys, are issuing UUID tokens. These
> tokens will be in the database, and valid, for however long the token
> TTL is.
> The moment that one changes the configuration, keystone will start
> rejecting these tokens. This will cause disruption, and I don't think
> that is fair to the users who will likely be shown new bugs in their
> code at a very unexpected moment.

This will reduce the interruption and will also as you said possibly catch
bugs. We had bugs in some custom python code that didn't get a new token
when the keystone server returned certain code, but we found all those in
our dev environment.

>From an operational POV, I can't imagine that any operators will go to work
one day and find out that they have a new token provider because of a new
default. Wouldn't the settings in keystone.conf be under some kind of
config management? I don't know what distros do with new defaults however,
maybe that would be the surprise?

> I wonder if one could merge UUID and Fernet into a provider which
> handles this transition gracefully:
> if self._fernet_keys:
>   return self._issue_fernet_token()
> else:
>   return self._issue_uuid_token()
> And in the validation, do the same, but also with an eye toward keeping
> the UUID tokens alive:
> if self._fernet_keys:
>   try:
>     self._validate_fernet_token()
>   except InvalidFernetFormatting:
>     self._validate_uuid_token()
> else:
>   self._validate_uuid_token()
> So that while one is rolling out new keystone nodes and syncing fernet
> keys, all tokens issued would validated properly, with minimal extra
> cost to support both (basically just a number of UUID tokens will need
> to be parsed twice, once as Fernet, and once as UUID).
> Thoughts? I think doing this would make changing the default fairly
> uncontroversial.
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