[openstack-dev] [horizon] - oAuth tab proposal

Marcos Fermin Lobo marcos.fermin.lobo at cern.ch
Thu Mar 31 09:57:07 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I would like to propose a new tab in "Access and security" web page.

As you know, keystone offers an OAUTH plugin for authentication. This means that third party applications could access to OpenStack cloud resources using OAUTH. Now, this is possible using the CLI but there is nothing (AFAIK) in Horizon.

I would propose a new tab in "Access and security" web page to manage OAUTH credentials. As usual, this new tab would have a list of OAUTH crendentials with buttons to approve and remove them.

Please see a simple mockup here https://mferminl.web.cern.ch/mferminl/mockups/horizon-oauth-mockup.png

Comments, suggestions... are very welcome!

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