[openstack-dev] [magnum] Discuss the blueprint "support-private-registry"

Hongbin Lu hongbin.lu at huawei.com
Tue Mar 29 23:23:47 UTC 2016

Hi team,

This is the item we didn't have time to discuss in our team meeting, so I started the discussion in here.

Here is the blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/support-private-registry . Per my understanding, the goal of the BP is to allow users to specify the url of their private docker registry where the bays pull the kube/swarm images (if they are not able to access docker hub or other public registry). An assumption is that users need to pre-install their own private registry and upload all the required images to there. There are several potential issues of this proposal:

*         Is the private registry secure or insecure? If secure, how to handle the authentication secrets. If insecure, is it OK to connect a secure bay to an insecure registry?

*         Should we provide an instruction for users to pre-install the private registry? If not, how to verify the correctness of this feature?


Best regards,
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